A 新论文 by WBCSD highlights the role of the food industry in making healthy diets more 负担得起的

发表: 2022年7月15日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦,2022年7月15日 – The 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) and nine leading companies operating in the food and agriculture value chain have released a 新论文 that outlines four key areas for scaling business action to increase food affordability. The 纸 includes business case studies highlighting how various stakeholders along food and agriculture value chains can collaborate to improve the affordability and accessibility of food.

今天,3.1 billion people globally cannot afford a healthy diet – a diverse range of nutritious foods that meet energy requirements and provide all the essential micronutrients in the right amounts. 根据 2022 SOFI报告, 粮食不安全在世界范围内继续升级, with already 216 million people facing crisis levels of acute food insecurity in 2021. 专家预计,未来几个月情况将进一步恶化, with the number of people facing starvation reaching 400 million by 2024.

冲突, 气候变化, global pandemics and economic downturns are significant external drivers that affect food affordability. WBCSD’s vision is for nutritious food to be available and 负担得起的 for all. 为了实现这个目标, it is crucial to examine why healthy diets are un负担得起的 for many and how businesses can improve food affordability.

在低收入国家, key internal drivers of the cost of healthy diets include inefficient food production, 生产风险高,作物多样化不足, 牲畜和其他有营养的农产品.

新发布的 outlines four key areas where businesses can act to increase the affordability of foods.

  • Strengthening climate resilience by developing new climate-resistant breeds and using a diversity of crops and breeds that are the most adaptable to a changing climate
  • Leveraging innovation capabilities and know-how all along the food supply chain- empowering farmers to adopt better farming and post-harvest techniques that will positively impact yields and reduce food loss and waste. 公司也为安全运输做出了贡献, 负担得起的, nutritious foods to consumers in urban and rural areas by seeking efficiency in manufacturing and distribution channels
  • Collaborating and advocating for the consumption of nutritious foods to support a healthy diet within a sustainable food system
  • Investing in programs that go beyond price reductions and help to improve the livelihoods of populations vulnerable to economic instability

Leading companies are already taking action along their value chains. This 纸 offers a snapshot of companies’ on-going work toward delivering healthy and sustainable diets to all, 负责任地在地球范围内生产, by 2030. 

“At Griffith 食物s, we are focused on building a more sustainable future for food.  By collaborating with others through our role as a product development partner, we aspire to deliver nutritious food that is accessible and 负担得起的 to a growing population. We are proud to contribute to the insights shared in this report on food affordability and look forward to the ongoing opportunities it brings to learn from one another.” Dave Bender,全球研究副总裁 & 格里菲斯食品公司的发展

“拜耳的正规博彩十大网站是人人享有健康,人人免于饥饿. In our Vegetable Seeds business, we work toward that vision in many ways. 例如, our team has developed and offered smallholder growers seed innovations that improve life shelf, 让他们更容易传播. 拜耳最近也很自豪地加入了 私营部门零饥饿承诺, committing to investing USD $101M in research and development by 2030.” Inci Dannenberg,拜耳全球蔬菜种子总裁

《正规博彩十大网站》 & Nutrition in the World report highlights that the increase in global hunger in 2021 reflects growing inequalities across and within countries. 约2.3 billion people in the world were moderately or severely food insecure in 2021, and 216 million people facing crisis levels of acute food insecurity. The situation is expected to significantly worsen in the coming months due to disruptions in the food and energy systems, 尤其是由于乌克兰战争和气候变化. 面对日益恶化的环境, we must more than ever must take bold actions to transform our food system to ensure access to all to healthy diets, 在地球范围内负责任地生产”. Emeline Fellus, WBCSD 新鲜的总监

For more information about WBCSD’s work on 食物 Affordability, please contact: 彼得格雷利,食品高级助理 & 森林金融,WBCSD

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